World Fandom October 26th 2024
From Fanfiction to Publication
Dual Presentation ANIME
Love writing and thinking of becoming a real author one day, but stuck with fanfiction? I was too. I want to take you on my personal journey of how I got from writing fanfiction to publishing my debut novel, Loading: Life. I will give you all the details, including how to better your writing, developing your story, and getting on the road to self-publishing and marketing your first book. (An ABSOLUTELY FREE drawing will be held for a 1st edition copy of Loading: Life at the end of the panel.)
EN Chaffin
Hi! I'm E.N. Chaffin, an up and coming author with a passion for anime, cosplay, and (nearly) all things nerdy! AnimeFest is my favorite convention! I hope to meet tons of new people and get in touch with old friends each year I attend!
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