World Fandom October 26th 2024
Eros on the Ice! A Yuri!!! on Ice Fan Panel (18+)
Game Show Age 18+ ANIME
The ice is melting at AnimeFest! Join YuuriVoice for an evening filled with laughter and audience interactions that will have you shouting “Be my coach!” before the night is over. Harness your Eros in a game of taking lines from the series and making them sound as erotic as a pork cutlet bowl. Nonsense, tomfoolery, and vocal shenanigans await fans of the series looking to share their passion and enthusiasm.
ScribeSenpai by day, YuuriVoice by night, Kaleb is a 26 year old entertainer, story teller, and lover of laughter. Whether through in depth analysis videos on YouTube, or doing peculiar and disturbing things with his voice elsewhere, he's been knee deep in the anime dumpster fire for over a decade. Entertaining and bringing joy to others is his greatest passion, right next to butts.