World Fandom October 26th 2024
Anime Hell
Game Show Age 18+ OFF TOPIC
ANIME HELL is just what it says it is: a collection of strange, peculiar, and often painful video clips, designed to make the first-time viewer say, "WTF??" every couple of minutes and to make the returning viewer drag his or her friends in to share the pain. Anime Hell is a live screening of weird, amusing, confusing, disturbing, or otherwise entertaining clips about Japan, or animation, or both, or neither. All this plus sing-a-longs, prizes, contests, candy, and Hell Nurse Katie!
Doctor Mila
Brought in the Anime Hell crew for Anime Fest 2009, Dr. Mila used to assist Hell Nurse Katie with running contests, as well as sitting mic. Since Danno Baker's untimely death in 2015, she has been tasked with video programming for the show.

Besides the two live shows in Texas, Dr. Mila is also an administrator and contributor for the Hell blog, a responsibility she shares with Dave Merrill--the creator of the concept--and an unlikely, nation-wide team dedicated to bringing Hell to the masses.
Eileen Heath
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Nurse Katie
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