World Fandom October 26th 2024
The Psychology Behind Killing Stalking
Dual Presentation MANGA
An in-depth examination of the award-winning comic “Killing Stalking” is presented as interviews from the author and artist, Koogi, and information from “Why We Love Serial Killers” by Scott Bonn, PhD, provide insight into the psychology behind the story and explain why some people enjoy reading it.
I'm a full time writer with a history in theater. I've been presenting panels with BL Garden of DFW since 2015 and I look forward to doing so for many more years.
Izora Liddel
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Serial killer and true crime podcasts in general have been growing in popularity, and examining the psychology of the comic's two main characters is right up any true crime fan's alley. As the psychology of "Killing Stalking" is examined, listeners will gain a better understanding why it's an award-winning comic and why some people like shipping a serial killer with his victim. As members of BL Garden of DFW, we've presented this panel and many others before, and we know this panel will fill an entire room. We've received positive reviews for The Psychology Behind "Killing Stalking" as it gives a fair look at what readers can expect.