World Fandom October 25th 2024
AnimeFest is a non-profit fan-run organization. We rely on volunteers to not only staff necessary functions like Registration and Video Theaters, but also to run panels, workshops, and creative activities. This page has the details on how to volunteer to run a panel.

Please don't use this page to submit ideas for panels or workshops you want to attend. This is the place to submit panels you (and possibly others) want to run. Use Facebook or other social media sites to try to convince others to run a panel.

The panel submission cut off date is June 14, 2017


  1. Submit your Panel
  2. Promote your Panel
  3. Wait for Acceptance/Rejection
  4. Badges
  5. Prepare for Your Panel
  6. Pick up your badge
  7. Run your Panel
  8. View Feedback on your Panel

1. Submission of Your Panel

Please read these instructions carefully before you Submit and Manage your Panels

Complete the submission form for your panel/workshop/gameshow etc.

Please let us know of any potential scheduling conflicts in the provided space. HOWEVER, WE CANNOT GUARANTEE THAT YOU WILL GET YOUR PREFERRED TIME BLOCK.

We will not be accepting ask a character panels this year. You can still run your panel in character, but your panel will not be accepted if it is in the ask a character format.

2. Promote your Panel

AnimeFest Panel staff will make the final determination if your panel will be accepted and scheduled. Many factors will weigh on their decision, but an important part is for fellow AnimeFest members to "Vote" for your panel idea. Each submitted panel will have its own page on our site. You can share this page on social networks to encourage others to support your idea. Keep in mind that only current AnimeFest members (paid registrants) and staff can Vote for your panel. This ensures that no one can "stuff" the ballot.

3. Wait for Acceptance / Rejection

AnimeFest Panel staff will review your submisssion and decide if it is approved or rejected. Please read the reason your submission was rejected! Sometimes, suggestions are rejected because more detail is needed or the description needs editing for spelling and grammatical errors.

4. Badges

This year we will be giving panelist badges to all approved panels! Since we are trying a new format there will be some ground rules:

1) If you have to miss a panel for any reason please let someone know on panels staff. There will be panel staffers at the panels kiosk that you can let me know of your cancellation. During the convention we will try to check email as often as possible but please don't count on this as the main way to let us know.

Only 4 badges will be given per group.

Please us know at least an hour in advance so we can make the proper cancellations and updates to the schedule.

2) If you miss your panel without letting a panel staff member at the panel kiosk know about it, your badge will be turned off. In these cases you will need to seek out the panels manager, Colin Brackney, or the programming director, Melissa Lum, to get your badge turned back on.

5. Prepare for your Panel

If your panel is accepted, you will need to spend time preparing. We encourage you to use visuals, like samples of your work or using a laptop to present slides. Tools like Google Apps Presenter, Prezi, MS PowerPoint, and Apple Keynote can go a long way towards making your panel look polished.

6. Pick up your badge

Pick up your badge noting you are a Panelist at the Panels Kiosk. All panelists who have approved panels will be obtaining a badge. Please have all of the members on your panel(s) prior to 2 weeks before the convention so that they all can receive a panelist badge.

7. Run your Panel

Make sure that you keep track of when your panel is scheduled and show up on time. You will need to make sure that you arrive at registration at least two hours prior to your panel and arrive at your panel 10 minutes before start. There will be members of our panel staff and Audio/Video crew on hand to make sure you have the equipment specified, but you must arrive early to give them time to help.

Remember, an hour long panel should have no more than 45 minutes of content to allow for questions and time to wrap up in a timely manner.

8. View Feedback on your Panel

AnimeFest members will be able to post feedback on your panel(s). AnimeFest staff will be reviewing this feedback and it will weigh in to decisions on approving future panels.